positive english

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Learn how to get your conversation partner talking and keep the conversation moving forward

An open question is any question that requires an answer greater than a simple yes or no response. Open questions encourage people to give a response with content and detail.


  1. What did you do on the weekend?
  2. Tell me about your hobbies or interests?
  3. If you could be doing anything right now, any thing you want, what would you be doing?

Open questions generate interesting, dynamic conversation and encourage the person you’re speaking with to open up.

The Pareto Principle (80/20 rule). You should try to do only 20% of the talking and allow your conversation partner to deliver the remaining 80%. Guide the flow of the conversation and allow your conversation partner to speak, and you will find your conversation partner will have a greater level of engagement within the conversation.

People enjoy talking about themselves - not only are we are our favourite subjects, but it’s also easier to discuss ourselves and our interests than something we know little about. Consider, would you find it easier to speak about 14th century glass-blowing or your favourite book?

The Art of Small Talk

What is Small Talk

What is Small Talk

Open questions

Open questions

Active Listening

Active Listening

Remove distractions

Remove distractions

Talking with new people

Talking with new people

Enthusiasm and Interest

Enthusiasm and Interest

Small talk Topics

Small talk Topics

Guide the Conversation

Guide the Conversation

How to end a conversation

How to end a conversation

Avoiding Small Talk

Avoiding Small Talk

How to Get Better at Small Talk

How to Get Better at Small Talk



Course Complete

positive english

Positive Mind - Positive Voice

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