positive english

Guide the Conversation

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How to keep the conversation moving in a positive direction

The following language can be used in many situations in order to begin a conversation.

First, make eye contact with the person that you want to talk with and as soon as you have eye contact, smile.

Second, introduce yourself, "hi, I am…"

And third, pick any one of the questions below to begin small talk…

For prospects:

  • “What’s the most exciting thing about your business?”
  • “What’s the most exciting thing about your product?”
  • “What’s the most exciting thing about your team?”
  • “What’s the most exciting thing about your industry?”
  • “What’s the most significant change at your company in the past six months?”
  • “If you could go back one year in time, what would you do differently?”
  • “Tell me about your highlights at [company name].”
  • “Tell me about your lowlights at [company name].”
  • “What’s your biggest priority right now?”
  • “What’s your lowest priority?”
  • “What is your boss fixated on right now?”
  • “What’s your number one most important metric?”
  • “What can I do to help you achieve [X goal]?”

For customers:

  • “How are things going?”
  • “What’s your progress on [X goal]?”
  • “How has business changed since we talked last?”
  • “What are you worried about?”
  • “What are you happy about?”
  • “Which industry events are you planning on attending?”
  • “How are your efforts in [related business area]?”
  • “How’s life in [city]?”
  • “What can I do to make you even more successful?”

For professional acquaintances:

  • “What’s your industry like right now?”
  • “Do you need any introductions?”
  • “As an expert in [field], I’d love to hear your thoughts on [event, announcement, major change].”
  • “Tell me about your latest work win.”
  • “We’ve discussed your role before, but it’s probably evolved since then.”
  • “Which blogs are you reading to stay informed on [topic]?”
  • “You’re still one of the only people I know who [did X, achieved Y].”
The talking points above are great umbrella topics for small talk, but you might be looking for specific questions.

Small Talk Questions

  • “How did you end up at [name of event]? If you could snap your fingers to instantly summon your [coworker, boss, best friend], would you? Why or why not?”
  • “What’s been the highlight of your [day, week, month] so far?”
  • “Are you a long way from home?”
  • “Would you recommend that [food or drink they’re holding]?”
  • “What’s the most memorable part of this [name of event] so far?”
  • “If this was Groundhog Day and you had to repeat this day over and over, would you be relatively happy or unhappy about this particular day?”
  • “What’s the last movie you saw in theatres? What did you think?”
  • “What was the last concert you went to? How was it?”
  • “How did you choose to work in [field]? If you could go back in time, would you make that same choice again?”
  • “Would you advise your children to go into [field]?”
  • “If you could turn one of your current skills into a bona fide superpower, which would it be and why?”
  • “Which TV show would you choose to live in?”
  • “Which TV show most closely mirrors your life?”
  • “You remind me strongly of a celebrity, but I can’t remember who it is -- whom do people always compare you to?”
  • “When was the last time you did something for the first time? Were you glad you tried it?”
  • “If you were responsible for catering [event], what would you order?”
  • “If you were hosting this event, [who would you invite to speak, which theme would you have chosen, what would you have done differently]?”

Keep in mind that you cannot take small talk too seriously, it is basic and simple conversation and an opportunity for you to start your initial conversation with someone. Keep it light and entertaining!

The Art of Small Talk

What is Small Talk

What is Small Talk

Open questions

Open questions

Active Listening

Active Listening

Remove distractions

Remove distractions

Talking with new people

Talking with new people

Enthusiasm and Interest

Enthusiasm and Interest

Small talk Topics

Small talk Topics

Guide the Conversation

Guide the Conversation

How to end a conversation

How to end a conversation

Avoiding Small Talk

Avoiding Small Talk

How to Get Better at Small Talk

How to Get Better at Small Talk



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positive english

Positive Mind - Positive Voice

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