positive english

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Here you will gain an understanding of what small talk is and its purpose.

Small talk meaning: polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially engaged in social occasions. In essence, small talk is polite conversation about unimportant topics

Small talk is used to open a conversation, especially between two people that do not know each other and it allows each person to display friendly intentions and the desire for a positive interaction.

Small talk is the beginning conversation that allows people to engage in deeper, more interesting conversations.

The Art of Small Talk

What is Small Talk

What is Small Talk

Open questions

Open questions

Active Listening

Active Listening

Remove distractions

Remove distractions

Talking with new people

Talking with new people

Enthusiasm and Interest

Enthusiasm and Interest

Small talk Topics

Small talk Topics

Guide the Conversation

Guide the Conversation

How to end a conversation

How to end a conversation

Avoiding Small Talk

Avoiding Small Talk

How to Get Better at Small Talk

How to Get Better at Small Talk



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positive english

Positive Mind - Positive Voice

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